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Greetings personalized are a great way of showing that you have put in an effort and value the person whom you are sending it to. It is also a change from the generic greeting we always seem to send, and it is also a step up. This holiday season be.....Read More

This is the season of warm sweaters, loving homes, joy of giving and a bag full of happy moments.Christmas is a season filled with love, laughter and warmth is just a few days away. Christmas is one of the most beautiful festivals and what makes it.....Read More

Roles are predefined, people are put into boxes, every title carries with it a regulation within which you are to exist, and we sub consciously conform to these rules. Anything contradictory and out of the roles defined for us is considered or.....Read More

Applications today are vast and varied, there is no dearth of good and valuable applications, but sometimes an application comes along , that changes you, makes you think and also brings about a positivity that leads you to grow and become a better.....Read More

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