Hope and Resolve:

Dreams are beautiful, vivacious and exciting. Every person has dreams. The

size of your dreams do not matter, just those dreams matter. As long as you

have dreams you have purpose you have passion and the purpose to see your

dreams become your reality.

Its always important to have a dream , to chase a dream ,never let anyone tell

you that your dream is too big or it is not big enough. Your dream is yours alone

and absolutely no one can take that away from you. Positive thinking and a

resolve to work hard towards your dreams are important.

Reality is the stuff made of dreams

Sometimes we may come across people who mock us, or we may falter in the

journey to achieving our dreams, or the dreams we saw the time line we gave

ourselves to reach to that goal may get hampered. This is the time your strength

is tested, but the minute the thought of failing enters your mind, then you are the

one setting up yourself for failure.

Positive outlook matters and positive thinking along with willingness to work

hard will in the end give you what you want. Sometimes positive thinking may

not be enough, you need inspiration and that is exactly where Proquotes come

in. An application that gives you a platform to discover quotes on a multitude of

topics , will inspire and motivate you to remember to fight hard, never give up

and always chase after your dreams.

Get back up again

People sometimes are scared to dream and to have hope, their situations or their

circumstances may have led them to lose their courage to dream. Proquotes will

not only help steer them towards their dreams again , it would also give them

the grit and strength to once again start believing again.

We all have dreams, some may change over a period of time as our perspectives

change, but one should never stop dreaming. Dreams are what hope looks like,

and when they come true, they make our worlds that much more brighter. Look

in the mirror and you will find your biggest support system and the finest


“Keep away from people who try to belittle your ambitions. Small people

always do that, but the really great make you feel that you, too, can become


– Mark Twain

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